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 Here is my testimony. 


We all go through hard seasons!  A few days before the "joy event" at our church, our family experienced a personal loss, which hit unusually hard.  I really didn't want to be "joyful". But I went and learned so much.  This conference doesn't just say "we need to be joyful", but teaches you the journey to have joy.  The reality is that life can be difficult, but Joy is our inheritance.  "Restored to Carry Joy" gives you tools to find God during those hard times, tools to let go of the things that can block our joy.  It was one of the best experiences I have ever had!   Julie Miner ( Pastor/Elder at Turning Point Church)


Your joyful friend,  Julie

I was privileged to attend “Restored to Carry Joy” event in the fall of 2016 where my friend Michelle Foreman taught and shared from the depths of her heart some basic truths of God’s words. These foundational truths when applied to our lives through and in any situation will result in us being Joyful Christians.  

From, Ann A. Alaska

Molly's Testimony -
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Restored to carry joy! That is the best way to describe how I felt after attending the RESTORED TO

CARRY JOY event! Due to some serious life difficulties, I had attended a 4 day “therapy” session just two

weeks prior to attending RESTORED TO CARRY JOY. During those 4 days I was finally able to recognize

and vocalize that I was very, very angry. However, I left those 4 days of sessions still very angry and no

idea how to stop being angry.

Now the good part! The very first night as I walked into RESTORED TO CARRY JOY, everything was so

very bright and cheerful (Hard to feel angry in that environment!). Our speaker (Michelle Foreman)

gave a bit of an introduction and invited us to write notes on a tablet as God spoke to us. I instantly

thought “well, I won’t be writing anything, God never speaks to me”. Yet, as the evening progressed I

found myself writing a few things down. When I went to bed that evening, I had to write three more

things before I could go to sleep. The next session was even better! Before getting out of bed in the

morning, I did my bible study as normal. It was about our relationship with God and it clearly stated

“God is your husband.” I thought about that a lot and I wrote down on my note pad -God is my husband-

I told NOT ONE PERSON! However, at the end of the morning session Melanie prayed and said “God is

your husband.”........I had to tell Melanie about my bible reading and note writing! Melanie ask to pray

with me. She spent much time with me at the angry station. We talked, cried a lot and prayed, hugged


I am not done yet…at the evening session, Michelle encouraged us with more Godly words, suggestions,

examples, tenderness and love. A young lady was invited to share her testimony. She read psalm 91.

Than with some wonderful worship music playing, we partied! I began to learn how to feel joy again,

my anger was beginning to melt away! I hit one smiley balloon after another until I was wearing one of

those wonderful, Godly smiles! Just before going to bed that night, I read a bible verse suggested by an

app on my phone….it was (you guessed it) psalm 91! Psalm 91…..Whoever dwells in the shelter of the

Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty……..God was working over time on me for sure!

The final session was just as enjoyable as the other four. Michelle encouraged us to not only revisit the

several releasing and absorbing stations, but to also be empowered as we gave it all to God. I

hammered my way to a real breakthrough! I hammered on that big ‘ol nail until it could go no further

into that block of wood! All the while yelling “I do not want to be angry anymore!” And, I am not angry

anymore! I am so full of a new found joy, love for God and peace. I even feel healthier! Than, we partied

again, really, really smiling and laughing as I played with those smiling balloons!

Oh, yes, by the end of the event, I HAD 21 NOTES GOD TOLD ME TO WRITE DOWN AND REMEMBER! I

am still writing as God continues to speak to me and I listen. God does and did speak to me, it was I who

did not know how to listen. Not only was I restored to carry joy, but I also learned how to listen to God.

I cannot emphasize enough how life changing it was for me to have attended RESTORED TO CARRY JOY!

Michelle Forman, thank you for listening to God when He asked you to produce RESTORED TO CARRY

JOY. I so greatly needed it! Also, thank you for inviting me and praying with my husband and me. I am

excited to help you with the next production of RESTORED TO CARRY JOY. You must do it again! I am

telling anyone who will listen all about it.

In God’s love, Karen --- I feel so cleansed!

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