Restoration Ministries

Come, come, all who are weary and I will give you rest. Rest from worry. Rest from dismay. Rest to enter the new day. The new day is full of rest, peace and fullness of my JOY. Your strength depends on my JOY flowing freely. There is a freedom coming that will enable your heart to live fully in the JOY of how I am. I am He, the one, your mighty warrior, who wins the battle as you rest.
Your job, your position in battle is to rest and fully trust, allowing ME and my right hand to fight on your behalf. What are you fighting? Lie's that I cannot be trusted to steer your ships coarse. To direct you thru successfully, frozen dangerous water, thru peril and darkness.
Darkness will give way to MY glorious light, releasing JOY that will overtake life's sorrows. Abide in MY peace. Rest securely in MY love. Know it is I, faithful and true, provider, friend. I will part the waters and open the seas so you can walk and advance into MY promised JOY, a land full of milk and honey, satisfying your souls need to see ME at work.
Word 3/1/20
“For to the one who pleases Him, God has given wisdom and knowledge and JOY!” Eccl 2:26. “I perceive that there is nothing better for them than to be JOYFUL and to do good”. Eccl.3:12… God is saying, I am going to prosper you! There is a TIDAL WAVE OF JOY coming this year. This year, they say, is the warmest spring and winter in a hundred years. All creation is lined up under what God says. Spring is the beginning. The birds are dancing already, with the sun coming, the Sunshine of His Love, the Warmth of who He is, JOY IS COMING! Not an illness, not a disease, not death, not destruction, but JOY! The enemy is serving the opposite, the opposite. So how we please Him is we believe what He said, and we watch for what He is doing, and we celebrate NOW! This bike of YELLOW JOY is going somewhere! Your YELLOW shoes are the JOY, is not to be contained just in our building when we are together. He is going to pour it out into the streets. We are going to have a nation and worldwide revival FULL OF JOY! FULL OF JOY!! FULL OF JOY!! FULL OF JOY!! There is going to be JOY INSIDE AND OUTSIDE AND UNDERNEATH AND ALL AROUND. THINGS AREGOING TO SPRING UP! SPRING UP! SPRING UP! SPRING UP! YOUR DAYS ARE GOING TO BEFULL OF JOY! BELIEVE HIM! HE, HIS PROMISE, HIS PROMISE. And what is true JOY? What is true JOY? It’s not everything being perfect, things will never be perfect here. They will never be perfect here. It’s HIM. It’s HIS LOVE. It’s HIS COMPASSION FOR US. IT’S HIS MIGHTINESS THAT WE ARE GOING TO SEE, THE JOY OF WHO HE IS. IT’S WHATS GOING TO SUSTAIN YOU AND BE OUR STRENGTH. CELEBRATE WHO HE IS. FIND OUT WHO HE IS. ASK HIM QUESTIONS. LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAYS, AND HOW DO YOU PLEASE HIM, IS YOU BELIEVE HIM. YOU BELIEVE WHAT HE IS TELLING YOU, AND HE WILL GIVE YOU JOY. NOMAN CAN TAKE OUR JOY. NO CIRCUMSTANCE, NO DISEASE. YOU ARE WEARING THE RIGHT GARMENT, BECAUSE HE’S GOING SOMEWHERE AND WE ARE GOING WITH HIM. WE ARE GOING WITH HIM!!!
Weds. November 20,2019
I heard this morning in prayer: I am opening the heavens. My promises are being released. Released to accomplish My will. My will for you and others will bear great fruit. The taste and see of MY WORD IS AT HAND!! Receive My promises to reveal, restore, and enlarge. With enlargement and increase comes a stretch. Stretch to include more of Me, more of My faithfulness. I am faithful and true. The truth will be seen. The evidence of who I am will be met face to face, heart to heart. Today, tomorrow and always I will always fulfill my promised words. Celebrate now the fulfillment of promises seen. Rejoice in me your creator. I am creating a new stage to deliver my promises, so all will see the truth of who I am. REJOICE!REJOICE! AND SEE!!

Restored JOY!!!
I AM Restoring JOY, He said. Sorrow has trumped My JOY. My JOY is your strength. JOY is a God given provision. The battle over our JOY is fierce. Unearthing His Joy amidst life’s difficulties requires Spirit led encouragement and revelation. God’s heart sees the need, for pain and loss to be washed away, tenderly turning the eyes of our hearts toward, the JOY of who He is. Through the lens of TRUST, we discover, His covenant promise to BE OUR JOY! TRUST IN HIM BIRTHS JOY!!! Releasing our hearts to CELEBRATE the JOY of who HE IS, NO MATTER WHAT our journey. John 15:11 declares, “That MY JOY may be in YOU, and that